Strengthen Your Competitive Advantage with


A Self-Paced Mind and Body Mastery Program for High-Achieving Athletes

Ever wondered what it takes to support a PRO athlete at the top of their game?

I’ve been in your shoes, too.

It sucks, knowing you’re working so hard and putting in REAL work at practice, conditioning, and competition, and still, feeling like you’ve got more in store.

Some days, it truly feels like you couldn’t give any more physically or mentally, but deep down, you know you will get there.

Hang on, my friend. YOU WILL.

Based on my revolutionary Tri-Flex Approach
(MIND, MUSCLE, MIGHT), The Flex Focus is a self-paced program that teaches you how to master your mind and body from an anatomical and physiological perspective, unlocking your peak performance and strengthening your competitive advantage.

The Flex Focus™️
One time
For 2 months

Based on my revolutionary Tri-Flex Approach (MIND, MUSCLE, MIGHT), The Flex Focus is a self-paced program that teaches you how to master your mind and body from an anatomical and physiological perspective, unlocking your peak performance and strengthening your competitive advantage. ***Your equipment is not included in this purchase - please visit the equipment purchase buttons below after your program purchase to obtain the equipment needed to complete this program.***

✓ 6+ hours of video content, plus 4 FLEX guides
✓ Mind-body education
✓ Practical performance & recovery exercises
✓ Direct access to Julie and a free #AMA session
✓ Unlimited lifetime access to your program content

This isn’t an empty promise. These are the exact strategies every PRO athlete learns along the way, with the support of the best trainers, coaches, and team.

And there’s no reason you shouldn’t have access to these strategies too.

Inside your new performance portal, we’ll explore and expand three key areas of your performance (MIND, MUSCLE, MIGHT) so that you can:

Receive the 1:1 support you need to go from just barely hitting your PR every practice to truly taking your performance to the next level and breaking barriers on competition day

Outperform your peers because you’re doing the EXTRA work that every pro is REQUIRED to do to perform at their best

Let go of the fear of injury and unleash your full power knowing you are safe and strong as can be 

Spend your days off feeling well rested, focused, fully recovered, and ready to go again tomorrow

Tap into full clarity and confidence when it matters most, deep nervous system strength, and remain resilient against personal or professional adversity to show up as your best self when it’s time to compete

Recover better and faster than any one of your fellow athletes, leaving behind major soreness and minor strains

Unlock the power, precision, and performance that’s already locked inside your mind and body through your MIND, MUSCLE, MIGHT performance strategies

Extend your athletic career by years, and ultimately, become the GOAT! 

In order to truly excel today and for years to come, you need to lock down the strategies pros use to PUSH HARDER, RECOVER FASTER, and PERFORM BETTER.

You don’t have to take it all on alone anymore. The Flex Focus is here to provide you with the 1:1 support, knowledge, and tools to overcome your performance plateaus and become the athlete you know you are meant to be.

HERE’s what it’s going to take:


the core performance strategies taught to every pro athlete, from how to increase your max force production, to how you can improve your range of motion in a single sitting. Across 13 modules, you’ll learn everything you need to know to amplify performance from your toes to your skull.


and plug your newfound expertise into your FLEX routine, and watch your teammates respond as your performance clearly improves session by session. Tap into my full expertise with a free 1:1 session after you finish all 13 modules to receive actionable strategies to take your performance even further.


at your very best before, during, and after game day with a new understanding of exactly how to tap into your mind and muscles for increased output. Learn practical strategies that teach you exactly how to push harder, recover faster, and perform better.

Want to see what you can accomplish in 13 modules?

  • ✓ Improve mobility and movement fluency.

    ✓ Learn techniques for breaking through movement barriers.

    ✓ Use Yoga Tune Ups® for whole body integration.

    ✓ Use Yoga mobility and Yoga Nidra for improved performance and recovery.

    ✓ Learn to integrate yoga and meditation as a complement to sports programming.

    ✓ Learn mental performance training and mind-based stress reduction techniques.

    ✓ Adjust your central nervous system to improve factors like sleep and digestion.

    ✓ Understand biomechanics and movement analysis.

    ✓ Learn functional and performance-based training.

  • ✓ Learn injury prevention and faster recovery time strategies.

    ✓ Understand how to self-maintain and care for your body.

    ✓ Learn rehabilitation exercises and protocols.

    ✓ Understand the Roll Model® Method and self-myofascial release (SMFR).

    ✓ Learn about sport science research on fascia and performance.

    ✓ Discover the benefits of addressing fascia prior to workouts, practice, games, or competitions.

    ✓ Improve motor control, torque output, muscle tissue contraction, and range of motion with the Roll Model® Method.

    ✓ Learn about Functional Movement Systems and the Functional Movement Screen (FMS).

    ✓ Evaluate your fundamental movement patterns.

    ✓ Discover opportunities for improved movement and decreased injury risk.

    ✓ Identify compensation patterns and limitations in fundamental movement.

    ✓ Understand how poor biomechanics and compensatory movement can reduce performance gains.

    ✓ Improve fundamental movement patterns to reduce the risk of injury and increase performance gains.

  • ✓ How high-performance athletes use tools like meditation and Mind-Based Stress Reduction to strengthen your mind muscles and master mental performance for life.

    ✓ How to stay in the zone by taming your mind so that accurate, rapid decision-making comes effortlessly.

    ✓ Mental Performance Training tools for athletes.

    ✓ Meditation as a tool for competitive athletes.

    ✓ Mind-based stress reduction techniques.

    ✓ Mental preparation for competition at every stage.

    ✓ Mental toughness and resilience for sports and life.

    ✓ Competitive laser-focused attention techniques.

    ✓ How to overcome pre-game jitters.

    ✓ How to lean into your zone of excellence.

    ✓ High-performance tools for success.

    ✓ How to tame your mind for rapid decision-making during game time.

    ✓ Guided mental imagery and mindfulness meditations for high-achieving athletes.

    ✓ Visualization exercises to improve confidence and focus on and off the field.

    ✓ Breathwork and relaxation techniques for specific obstacles you face.

    ✓ How to cultivate a lifelong growth mindset and overcome limiting beliefs that are plateauing your performance.

    ✓ Foundational sports psychology education to use in your sport.

    ✓ Aromatherapy techniques for enhancing mental focus.

    ✓ Recommended materials and equipment to improve your practice.

    ✓ How to apply program techniques and strategies every day to enhance focus, reduce stress, and improve mental resilience in any area of your life.

  • ✓ Understand principles of exercise science and kinesiology.

    ✓ Learn exercise strategies for various populations and fitness levels, including both competitive and recreational fitness enthusiasts.

    ✓ Understand additional mind and body recommendations for optimal health and performance.

    ✓ Discover sports psychology and motivation techniques.

  • ✓ Understand the Roll Model® Method and Functional Movement Systems.

    ✓ Learn about the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system.

    ✓ Discover the benefits of yoga mobility, SMFR-trigger point therapy, and Yoga Nidra for athletes.

    ✓ Achieve optimal range of motion, activate core and breathing muscles, and increase power through self-myofascial release.

    ✓ Increase motor control, torque output, and muscle tissue recruitment for better performance during workouts, practice, games, or competitions.

    ✓ Identify compensatory patterns and muscle imbalances that can lead to injury and develop strategies to correct them.

    ✓ Use self-myofascial release techniques and yoga poses to alleviate tension, tightness, and pain in specific areas of the body, such as the hips, shoulders, back, and legs.

    ✓ Incorporate Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation technique, to enhance relaxation, reduce stress, and promote restful sleep.

    ✓ Practice yoga poses and SMFR techniques in a safe and effective way, following proper alignment and modifications as needed for individual needs and limitations.

    ✓ Incorporate yoga and SMFR into a comprehensive training program that includes strength, conditioning, agility, and skill development to achieve optimal athletic performance and overall well-being.

  • ✓ Practice a whole-body rollout session for major reset days

    ✓ Learn about other ways you can use your FLEX equipment

    ✓ Understand how to protect your body from pain

    ✓ Attend an active precovery workout for active recovery days

    ✓ Learn how to design your FLEX routine for consistent improvement

    ✓ Leverage Julie’s full expertise to define your unique goals in a free AMA session



The Flex Focus™️
One time
For 2 months

Based on my revolutionary Tri-Flex Approach (MIND, MUSCLE, MIGHT), The Flex Focus is a self-paced program that teaches you how to master your mind and body from an anatomical and physiological perspective, unlocking your peak performance and strengthening your competitive advantage. ***Your equipment is not included in this purchase - please visit the equipment purchase buttons below after your program purchase to obtain the equipment needed to complete this program.***

✓ 6+ hours of video content, plus 4 FLEX guides
✓ Mind-body education
✓ Practical performance & recovery exercises
✓ Direct access to Julie and a free #AMA session
✓ Unlimited lifetime access to your program content

Dont’ Forget to Purchase Your Flex Equipment!

The equipment linked below will be used throughout this program and in your Flex Routine every day after. This equipment is NOT included in the purchase of the Flex Focus Program - but you can purchase anytime using the links below.

Frequently asked questions

  • The Flex Focus was designed for competitive athletes in all areas, including:

    High School, College, Professional Sports Careers, Professional Teams, Corporate Professionals

    Football, Wrestling, Baseball, Tennis, Lacrosse, Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Golf, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Hockey, Soccer, Swimming, Track and Field

    Crossfit, Pickleball, Marathon Running, Ironman Competitions, Cycling, and any other athletic endeavor.

  • The Flex Focus is self-paced so that you can take in as much or as little as you need to during the demands of pre/in/off season. However, at the start of the program, I outline 2 potential tracks if you’d like a more structured completion: the weekend workshop, and the 12 week cohort.

  • Although it’s not mandatory, I strongly encourage you to invest in the equipment outlined below:

    1. You can purchase my Flex Your Mind Essential Oils Kit HERE.

    2. The entire Online Class Kit can be found HERE.

    3. Any set of 2, 4-inch yoga blocks will do. HERE is an example.

  • The Flex Focus is designed to complement and enhance your current training regimine, and offer the specialized 1:1 support you need to take your game to the next level. The program is flexible and customizable, and you’ll learn how to integrate it into your routine in a way that works for you.

  • You’ll receive access to the entire digital program immediately after purchase. Because of this virtual delivery method, I can’t accept refunds. However, if you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, I encourage you to schedule a call with me, and I’ll help to resolve your concerns and address your biggest questions about your performance.

  • Absolutely! The Flex Focus is designed to benefit anyone who wants to improve their mental performance, whether you're an athlete or not. The strategies taught in the program can be applied to any area of your life where you want to improve mobility, reduce recovery time, enhance focus, reduce stress, and improve mental health. I'm a firm believer that EVERY human being will benefit from this program, athlete or not.


I’m Julie Mackey – an experienced certified yoga teacher, Mental Performance Mastery Certified Coach, mindfulness meditation facilitator, & breath coach with over a decade of experience helping athletes reduce their risk of injury & maximize their athletic potential.

I’ve worked with high-performing athletes at every level – high school, college, and professional (some of which you watch on TV 😉), leveraging my revolutionary TRI-FLEX APPROACH, which helps athletes strengthen their MIND, MUSCLE, and MIGHT through yoga mobility, myofascial release, breathwork, & mental conditioning. 

When I say I take your performance personally, I mean it! It’s my passion and my purpose to help you become a champion on and off the field, and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life as a result.