Smart Smoothie Recipe for RECOVERY

Do you need to recover from bad food choices? Do you need to recover from an intense workout? Does the word inflammation come in mind when you decide it’s time for a smoothie? If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, I’ve got you covered because this smoothie recipe is loaded with anti-inflammatory foods that eat up free radicals. Here’s what to put in your blender to make a delicious RECOVERY smoothie!

I have grappled with best tasting ingredients for years. I’ve finally found the right ingredients to suit most taste buds. Ningxia Red is a juice and extract blend with the most powerful antioxidants to support normal cellular function. Not all antioxidants are created equal, take a look at the graphic below and note the recipe calls for 2oz - so double that nutritional content.

Clickable product links are listed within recipe more information.

Start with the liquids first to the bottom of your blender:

2 oz of Ningxia Red

8 oz of any unsweetened vanilla almond or coconut milk

1 drop of Young Living Basil Vitality essential oil

Add dry ingredients next

1 scoop of plant based protein powder; my choices: either Arbonne Daily Boost (unflavored pea protein), Garden of Life Organic Sport Plant Based Chocolate or Vanilla Protein Powder

***If you choose to use Arbonne’s Daily Boost I add cacao powder to give it a chocolaty taste or 1 tsp of Vanilla extract

Add your fresh and frozen ingredients next

1 cup of frozen dark cherries

2 cups of fresh spinach

1/4 of avocado

1/2 cup of ice

Blend until smooth and enjoy.

1 serving = approximately 320 calories

Remember the best recovery advice isn’t only about drinking smoothies to recover and keep our bodies functioning optimally, we should strive to meet our daily needs by focusing on:

  •  Consistent movement
     7-9 hours of sleep
     Eating nutrient dense meals with whole, real foods
     Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day
     Meditation/quiet time with just your breath and body
     Make connection with people, hugs are good. Need 6 a day for emotional well being.

I hope this is educationally if anything. Let me know if you give this Smoothie a try and what you thought of the taste. If you need accountability with building healthy habits and cleaning up gut health, add to the comments below or email me. I would love to discuss this topic in depth with you.

Happy Blending! 


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